Those of us who can carry heavier loads need to.
~Will Hurd
Category: Thursday Thought
Thursday Thought #AdamGrant
It’s easier to accept that
~Adam Grant
you’re not like-minded
if you’re like-hearted.
Thursday Thought #ChuckNoll
Being stubborn is a virtue when you’re right;
~Chuck Noll
it’s only a character flaw when you’re wrong.
Thursday Thought #CathrynLavery
The right habits are
~Cathryn Lavery
the secret to success.
Thursday Thought #ReneeHoutstra
Success isn’t pizza.It isn’t a limited amount of pieces. ~Renee Houtstra
Thursday Thought #EdithWharton
There are two ways of spreading light:
~Edith Wharton
to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
Thursday Thought #AnnaDeavereSmith
What you are will show, ultimately. Start now, every day,
~Anna Deavere Smith
becoming, in your actions, your regular actions, what
you would like to become in the bigger scheme of things.
Thursday Thought #Becca Syme
You can’t move the Mississippi River in a day.
~Весса Syme
Thursday Thought #JimmyCarter
Failure is a reality; we all fail at times, and it’s painful
~Jimmy Carter
when we do. But it’s better to fail while striving for
something wonderful, challenging, adventurous and
uncertain than to say, “I don’t want to try because
I may not succeed completely.”
Thursday Thought #NicoleWalters
What other people think about the journey I’m
~Nicole Walters
taking cannot dictate my next steps because
they are not taking this trip with me.