Wednesday Words

How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.

Wednesday Words How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments. I S A E R N M

Wednesday Words

How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.

Wednesday Words How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments. I S T E R O S

Monday Muddle: bought, brought

bought: (past tense, past participle of the verb to buy) purchased; obtained in exchange for money or some other form of payment; accepted as truth brought: (past tense, past participle of the verb to bring) took something to a place; led someone to a place; caused a condition; initiated an …