Everybody is somebody.
~Henry Winkler
Wednesday Words
How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.
Tuesday Two
In two sentences tell me about your work in progress.
Monday Muddle: barely, barley
barely: (adverb) hardly; scarcely; by a very little; sparsely; almost imperceptibly barley: (noun) a grain used for food and in the making of beer; the plant from which the grain is harvested
Language Laughs
For a weekly dose of language-based humour, visit my Facebook page at https://facebook.com/lcplauntMEd
Thursday Thought #WilliamLamb
…the possession of great power
~William Lamb, 1817
necessarily implies great responsibility.
Wednesday Words
How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.
Tuesday Two
In two sentences tell me what you have learned about marketing recently.
Monday Muddle: about, a bout
about: (adverb) approximately, almost, in the opposite direction; in no particular direction; all around; (preposition) on the subject of; in the vicinity of; (adjective) nearby a bout: (indefinite article + noun contest, match; period of time, especially to deal with something (e.g. a bout of the flu)