If we can’t manage to get basics like spelling and
~Karen Ostergren
grammar correct, why should readers trust that
we’ve gotten our facts and analyses right?
Wednesday Words
How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.
Tuesday Two
In two sentences tell me about your work in progress.
Monday Muddle: our, are
our: (possessive adjective) indicates that something belongs to us are: (verb) a form of the verb ‘to be’; indicates existence; used in the present tense with the subjects you, we, and they
Language Laughs
For a weekly dose of language-based humour, visit my Facebook page at https://facebook.com/lcplauntMEd
Thursday Thought #JulesVerne
Science, my lad, is made up of mistakes, but
~Jules Verne
they are mistakes which it is useful to make,
because they lead little by little to the truth.
Wednesday Words
How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.
Tuesday Two
In two sentences tell me what you have learned about marketing recently.
Monday Muddle: inconvenience, incontinence
inconvenience: (noun) a situation that causes trouble or difficulty; something that is not easily accessible or at a suitable time; something that doesn’t meet your needs incontinence: (noun) inability to control the release of urine or fecal matter from your body It may surprise you how often these two words …
Language Laughs
For a weekly dose of language-based humour, visit my Facebook page at https://facebook.com/lcplauntMEd