Wednesday Words

How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.

Wednesday Words How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments. H A B S N D U

Wednesday Words

How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.

Wednesday Words How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments. P H L B I S U

Tuesday Two

I’ve decided to change up Tuesday Two. Instead of writing a two-sentence story about a random picture, use two sentences to tell me about what you are writing.

Monday Muddle: stalk, stock

A couple important points to remember:

You probably wouldn’t stalk shelves.

A laughing stalk is probably some kind of character in an animated feature. A laughingstock is a person, or thing, that is being ridiculed or mocked.

Monday Muddle: stalk: (noun) the stem of a plant; a similar supporting structure on other objects; (verb) to pursue persistently, often with the intention to harass or harm stock: (noun) goods or inventory kept available for sale or use; (finance) shares of a company; (culinary) the base of a soup, sauce or stew; (verb) to keep a supply of items to have on hand or make available for sale (e.g. to stock shelves in a store)