Use your gifts to serve others, not yourself,
Paige Hulse
because when you look back on your legacy
it won’t be about you; it’s what you did for others.
Wednesday Words
How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.

Tuesday Two
In two sentences tell me about your work in progress.
Monday Muddle: set up, setup
set up: (phrasal verb) arrange; construct, organize; make ready for use; start (a business) setup: (noun, adjective) organization, organizational; preparation, preparatory As a noun, setup is the result of setting something up. e.g. a great camera setup As an adjective, setup describes something that will be used in setting something …
Language Laughs
For a weekly dose of language-based humour, visit my Facebook page at
Thursday Thought #LisaJohnson
If anybody has ever said to you, “Can I pick your brain?”
Lisa Johnson
that really means “Can you write an ebook that I can buy?”
Wednesday Words
How many words can you make from these letters? Make words of any length, but use each letter no more than once per word. (If a letter is on the board twice you can use it twice.) Share your word lists in the comments.

Tuesday Two
In two sentences tell me what you have learned about marketing recently.
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
To honour Martin Luther King Jr. today and every day, please support education and the fight against propaganda.
To save man from the morass of propaganda, in my opinion, is one of the chief aims of education. Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Purpose of Education
Monday Muddle: every day, everyday
every day: (quantifier + noun) each day; all daysIf putting “single” between “every” and “day” makes sense, you need a space. everyday: (adjective) ordinary; routine; commonplace; average Might describe something that happens every day, but not necessarily.