Tuesday Two

Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish.

Photo by Chronis Yan on Unsplash.

A domed cathedral with domed turrets of various heights reflecting in water in front of it.

Monday Muddle: abdicated, abducted

Abdicating is an action that a person chooses to do, and that person is very likely an adult. It is not an action that is done to you. So if you see a sentence that says that the boy was abdicated, it is a safe bet that abducted was meant.

Monday Muddle: abdicated: (past participle of verb to abdicate) gave up or renounced one's duties, position, or power abducted: (past participle of verb to abduct) kidnapped; taken away by force

Wednesday Writing

Whether it be books in your genre, or on the subject of your expertise, or blogs on craft or marketing, reading is an important part of writing. What are some of the resources that you think would be valuable for other authors to read?

Writers need to read. What are you reading right now to help your author career? Share your best book of blog recommendations to help other authors find new resources.

Tuesday Two

Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish.

Photo by Jordan Whitt on Unsplash.

A koala sleeping between large tree branches.

Wednesday Writing

Until about two minutes ago, today’s post was going to ask you what books you would recommend for your fellow authors. Then I opened my email, and thought I would share someone else’s recommendations instead. David Gaughran has compiled a list of resources that are only 99 cents each, but …