Monday Muddle: strait, straight

strait: (noun) a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water Used in the expression “dire straits”. straight: (adjective) (adverb) moving in one direction; level; upright; not crooked, curved, or bent NOT used in the expression “dire straits”.

Monday Muddle: grammar, grammer

grammar: (noun) the study of the structure of language, word order, and how words change (according to tense, for example); the system of rules that guides the use of language; a book about grammar grammer: (noun) a term for someone who uses Instagram (who may or may not care about …

Monday Muddle: there, their, they’re

there: (adverb) used to indicate a location or a literal or figurative position; (there is /are) used to indicate the existence of something; (exclamation) used to direct attention; used to express satisfaction; used to comfort someone when repeated their: (possessive adjective) to show possession of something by someone who would …

Monday Muddle: rue, roux

rue: (verb) regret deeply; lament; feel sorry about; feel remorse; grieve; (noun) regret; remorse; a type of evergreen shrubUsed in the expression “rue the day”. roux: (noun) a mixture of butter (or butter substitute) and flour used as a base for making saucesNOT used in the expression “rue the day”.

Monday Muddle: stationary, stationery

stationary: (adjective) not moving; intended to stay in one place; unchanging, in a permanent position stationery: (noun) writing paper; envelopes; writing materials (pens, pencils); office supplies This is the time of year that I have to avoid going to stores. I have a bit of a stationery addiction, and Back …

Monday Muddle: noting, nothing

noting: (verb, present participle of to note) taking note of; paying attention to; noticing; mentioning to someone elsePart of the expression “also worth noting”. nothing: (pronoun) not a thing; not anything; something of no value (can also be used as an adjective and adverb) NOT part of the expression “also …