Monday Muddle: moot, mute

moot: (adjective) debatable but with no definite answer; unsolvable so not worth debatingUsed in the expression, “it’s a moot point”. mute: (adjective) speechless; unable to speakNOT used in the expression, “it’s a moot point”.

Monday Muddle: moot, mute

Monday Muddle: If you are speaking to, or writing for, an international audience, using the word “moot” might cause confusion. The meaning generally accepted in North America is basically the opposite of what is understood in the rest of the world. #MonMud

moot: (adj) hypothetical; (globally) debatable; (North America) not worth debating Used in the expression, "it’s a moot point". mute: (adj) speechless; unable to speak NOT used in the expression, "it’s a moot point".