Tuesday Two

Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo

Photo by NASA on Unsplash.

A slightly distorted blue planet in a multi-coloured atmosphere.

Language Laughs

Language Laughs: For a weekly dose of language-related humour, visit my Facebook page at https://facebook.com/lcplauntMEd


Turning The Page

I truly hope that 2021 is a great year for all of you, but the truth is that the change of a calendar page is not what determines the outcome of our lives. We have to keep doing the best we can no matter what life throws at us. I’m hoping that it throws better things in 2021 than it did in 2020. Happy New Year!

Tuesday Two

Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo

Photo by Deva Darshan on Unsplash.

A barefoot street food vendor wearing a pointed hat and juggling ice between two bowls.

Merry Christmas!

If you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a happy one. If you don’t celebrate Christmas, I still wish you books.

An open book on a table beside a Christmas-themed mug in front of a brightly lit Christmas tree. Caption: Merry Christmas! I wish you books.

Tuesday Two

Tuesday Two: Let’s try something new today. A friend posted this and got some fun answers. Maybe it would be a good way to come up with a title for your next story. Your mission: Add one word to the title of an existing Christmas song to create a new one.

Example: O Cat-trimmed Christmas Tree (I needed a title for last week’s story. 😀)

I’m looking forward to seeing how creative you can be.

"We wish you a merry Christmas" written in a circle with music notes in the centre. This is between the edge of a piano and the edge of a brightly lit Christmas tree in a dark room.