A Gift of Gratitude For You
The word for this Wednesday is GRATITUDE. I have a small part in this community book project, along with over 100 other authors. We each share a short article on the subject of gratitude. It was organized and executed by @Donna Kozik – Write & Publish a Book in a …
Thursday Thought
In Flanders Fields
Use Simple Dialogue Tags
Start in the Middle
Just Write
Plan for the Battles
Getting Ready for #NaNoWriMo
Thursday Thought: Writers are beginning to prepare forĀ #NaNoWriMo. To cheer them on, editions of Thursday Thought from now until the end of November will be writing related.
For more info, checkĀ nanowrimo.org
If you have an election coming up soon in your area, please take the time to find out about the candidates and make an informed decision. Your vote matters.