Invest in yourself. The one easy way
~Warren Buffett
to become worth 50 percent more than
you are now at least is to hone your
communication skills–both written and
verbal. If you can’t communicate, it’s like
winking at a girl in the dark–nothing
happens. You can have all the brainpower
in the world, but you have to be able to
transmit it. And the transmission is
Tag: #ThuThought
Thursday Thought #StevenPressfield
Don’t prepare. Begin.
~Steven Pressfield
Our enemy is not lack of
preparation. The enemy
is resistance, our chattering
brain producing excuses.
Start before you are ready.
Thursday Thought #SharonMcMahon
The enemy of despair
~Sharon McMahon
is action.
Thursday Thought #RosaParks
We must live our lives
~Rosa Parks
as a model for others.
Thursday Thought #JenniferHilt
I stopped thinking of tropes as end products and
started thinking of them as raw materials that could
create characters and increase conflict.
~Jennifer Hilt
Thursday Thought #MirandaHonfleur
Sometimes you will fail.
So fail fast and get back up.
~Miranda Honfleur
Thursday Thought #DFHart
It’s not the size of the steps;
it’s the fact you’re taking
them that matters.
~D. F. Hart
Thursday Thought #KarenOstergren
Metaphors can bring vividness
to image descriptions, of course,
but like salt sprinkled over a
finished dish, they’re best used
in moderation.
~Karen Ostergren
Thursday Thought #ElmoreLeonard
A line of dialogue is not
clear enough if you need
to explain how it’s said.
~Elmore Leonard
Thursday Thought #AmandaPatterson
Start your novel at the end of
the backstory you’ve created.
Begin with a breath-taking
inciting moment.
~Amanda Patterson