Monday Muddle: set up, setup

If you can logically place a word between “set” and “up”, you need a space. For example, you can say that you need to set up the computer, and wonder whether there should be a space or not. But you can also say that you need to set the computer up. Now it’s obvious that you need the space. Either way, once you finish the job, you’ll have a great computer setup.

Monday Muddle: set up: (phrasal verb) arrange; construct; organize; make ready for use; start (a business) setup: (noun, adjective) organization, organizational; preparation, preparatory As a noun, setup is the result of setting something up. (e.g. a great camera setup) As an adjective, setup describes something that will be used in setting something up. (e.g. use the setup checklist)

Language Laughs

Language Laughs: For a weekly dose of language-based humour, visit my Facebook page at


Wednesday Writing

Writers, do you set word count targets? Do you set goals for amount of time spent writing instead? If yes to either, do you set your targets per day, per week, per month, or per year? Or do you just write and take it as it comes?

A close-up of a dart board with a dart in the centre. Caption: Do you set word count targets?

Tuesday Two

Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo

Photo by Pascal Müller on Unsplash.

Two baby pandas lying on the ground, the first lying on its stomach, the second lying with its head on the back of the first.

Wednesday Writing

Wednesday Writing: What are your writing goals for 2021? Mine are not much different than last year’s, since 2020 kinda sent me on a detour. I’ll let you know if they work out this time. 🤞🏻😀 #WedWrite

A woman's arm writing in a notebook. Caption: What are you writing?

Tuesday Two

Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo

Photo by NASA on Unsplash.

A slightly distorted blue planet in a multi-coloured atmosphere.