Language Laughs: For a weekly dose of language-related humour, visit my Facebook page at
Thursday Thought #MarthaCarr
Tuesday Two
Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo
Photo by T. Selin Erkan on Unsplash.
Monday Muddle: moot, mute
Monday Muddle: If you are speaking to, or writing for, an international audience, using the word “moot” might cause confusion. The meaning generally accepted in North America is basically the opposite of what is understood in the rest of the world. #MonMud
Language Laughs
Language Laughs: For a weekly dose of language-related humour, visit my Facebook page at
Thursday Thought #JennieAllen
Thursday Thought: We all get discouraged sometimes, and sometimes for good reason. But sometimes we dwell on things that we cannot change, like what we did or did not do in the past. Instead, try to focus on the positive and what you can do better in the future.
If you are halfway through NaNo, but don’t have half your words yet, don’t give up. You can still do it.
Tuesday Two
Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo
Monday Muddle: copywrite, copyright
Monday Muddle: Even copywriters aren’t likely to use the word “copywrite” unless they are talking about the rapper or the disk duplicator. (In both those cases, it should have a capital C.) And your spellchecker will almost certainly underline it. Mine did. If you see “copywrite” followed by a date, you can bet that the writer meant “copyright”. #MonMud
Thursday Thought: #DonaldMiller
What do you think? #ThuThought
Language Laughs
Do you need a little language humour to brighten your day? Every Friday I share some #wordplay on my Facebook page. Pop on over to see it, and give my page a Like while you are there—but only if you truly like it. You can either search LC Plaunt, OCT, …