Language Laughs
Language Laughs: For a weekly dose of language-based humour, visit my Facebook page at
Thursday Thought #AustinKleon
Thursday Thought: Do you agree? #ThuThought

Tuesday Two
Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo
Photo by Jessica Lewis on Unsplash.

Monday Muddle: fond, found

Language Laughs
Language Laughs: For a weekly dose of language-based humour, visit my Facebook page at
Thursday Thought #RossGrant
Thursday Thought: Did you write a book for NaNoWriMo? What are you going to do with it now? #ThuThought

Tuesday Two
Tuesday Two: Write a story with only two sentences. Use the photo for inspiration if you wish. #TueTwo
Photo by Johannes Plenio on Unsplash.

Monday Muddle: mouse, moose, mousse
Monday Muddle: I don’t know about you, but when I see a recipe for mouse-topped cupcakes, I kinda lose my appetite. Give me chocolate any day. #MonMud

Language Laughs
Language Laughs: For a weekly dose of language-related humour, visit my Facebook page at