Monday Muddle: backlist, backlog

backlist: (noun) an author’s or publisher’s list of older titles that are still available; books that are not new releases backlog: (noun) (general) an accumulation of unfinished tasks or unfilled orders; (project management) list of what needs to be done to complete a project

Monday Muddle: lyre, liar

lyre: (noun) a stringed instrument, typically made in a U shape with a crossbar at the opening on which strings are attached; often compared to a harp liar: (noun) a person who does not tell the truth,; someone who tells lies

Monday Muddle: overtime, over time

overtime: (noun) the period of time that is beyond the amount of time scheduled; typically used in relation to extra work hours or extra time in a sporting event added to allow a player or team to break the tie; the payment for work done beyond regular hours over time: …

Monday Muddle: conscious, conscience

conscious: (adjective aware of a situation or of one’s surroundings; awake; alert conscience: (noun) inner thoughts or feelings that lead you to speak or act in a way that is in keeping with your beliefs; an inner sense of right and wrong The noun form of the adjective conscious is …

Monday Muddle: peal, peel

peel: (noun) the outer layer of a fruit or vegetable; (verb) to remove the outer layer of a fruit or vegetableUsed in the expression “to keep your eyes peeled”. peal: (noun) a loud ringing of bells; a loud, sustained or repeated sound, such as thunder or laughter; (verb to ring …

Monday Muddle: absence, absenteeism

absence: (noun) the state of being away from somewhere; the period of time spent away; a lack of something absenteeism: (noun) the habit of being away without good reason from somewhere you are regularly obligated to be (work, school); the rate or frequency of habitual absence